Paradox and the D-Wave Quantum computer
There are parallels in technology to the human condition that, when 'seen' for what they are, can help us in putting it in its 'place'. In fact, they may even be helpful in our eventual 'understanding'.
Technology (like the 'person') is a double edge sword. Until you 'understand' the nature of 'persons' as opposed to the nature of 'individuals'... you'll never understand technology.
So it helps if you see that technology is not an end in itself but a message from ourselves, to ourselves, about ourselves. IE: Technology is a manifestation of a psychological phenomena. Once seen in that light... it changes our 'whole' outlook on it.
NOTE: You can't take a 'selfie'... of the 'Self'.
Authors NOTE 12-16-24
Before you read the following it will help to read the December 2024 Futurism Magazine article below on how Google says its accessing parallel universes with Quantum Computing.
Quote and link below...
"Willow is a 100-qubit, or quantum-bit, chip. Unlike conventional computers, which use zeroes and ones for a binary system, quantum computers rely on qubits, which can be on, off, or — counterintuitively — both thanks to quantum entanglement, the mysterious phenomenon that allows particles to influence each other's states even when separated by distance."
See... Quantum Computing.
What some would say is that they are actually performing is...
'massively parallel paradoxical' computing or MPP Computing.
Big Difference.
Google's 'mistake' here is that quantum computing does not access 'parallel universes'... but ''parallel dimensions'... of the same Universe.
It's all one Universe... just different levels of 'intelligence'.
IE: there is something 'Bigger' going on here that just 'us'.
The realization of this should help put us in our 'proper place' in terms of the bigger scheme of things.
Authors UPDATE 5-29-14
There is an article published on ( at... 2014/0... ) that talks about a quantum computer made by a company called D-Wave that interprets magnetic fields (waves) that are traveling around circular loops... in opposite directions, simultaneously (a form of computer generated 'cognitive dissonance').... and a paradoxical phenomenon that is similar to the waves that inspired this blog. Furthermore, these currents appear to be entangled via the 'quantum tunnel' effect with other loops of current. This is whats known as so called 'quantum' computing and its used to solve highly complex problems in ways that conventional computers struggle with, at times. I had previously made some comments (IE 'personal' opinions) on a blog by Scott Aaronson about how I was skeptical of the concept of quantum computing as I was of the 'opinion' that it would only produce random answers. In the case of the D Wave, though, it appears that they are getting actual realistic results - at times - apart from the random answers. As such, I have to restate my earlier position somewhat in that while the random answers are one thing... the actual good answers are something else..
That 'something else' that the D Wave computer is doing (I suspect) is what Doug Matzke would refer to as 'paradoxical computing'. as the results are based on paradoxical waves or fields... similar to what inspired this blog. They are paradoxical because the computer can come up with two 'opposite' answers simultaneously.
That's a paradox.
A 'real time' paradox. Or what's otherwise known in physics as a 'superposition'.
This blog is about paradox. It's about a 'superposition' in the mind.
Knowledge of these simultaneously opposite traveling waves is helpful in understanding how the 'fog of consciousness' that the blog describes is literally tied to the 'noise' in the brain and how we are all essentially 'operating from the cloud'.
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NOTE: The perception of paradox is transcending the contradictions of duality
Simultaneously opposite traveling (paradoxical) magnetic fields are an indication of simultaneously paradoxical arising and subsiding electrical fields as well... such as the waves described in the 'Who Needs the Higgs' article linked at the bottom of this page. After all... in a world of 'duality' it just makes sense that waves are composed of waves traveling in 'dual' (opposite) directions... simultaneously.
IE: contradictions are what makes the 'world' go round.
Thus duality is not just how we perceive... it's the nature of 'things'. Thus it's easier to be aware if your perception is compatible with the nature of things.
Thus if you want to understand your 'Self' then it helps to understand the progression from the contradictions of duality... to the paradoxical view of 'individuals'... to the view of the 'one' with no 'problems'.
Thus the savvy individual honors their automatic 'personal' identification and participation in the world... while 'primarily' see themselves as awareness or being. That's no longer a contradiction... that's a paradox... because they 'understand' now... because they are 'operating' on multiple levels simultaneously.
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Simultaneously opposite traveling (paradoxical) magnetic fields are an indication of simultaneously paradoxical arising and subsiding electrical fields as well... such as the waves described in the 'Who Needs the Higgs' article linked at the bottom of this page. After all... in a world of 'duality' it just makes sense that waves are composed of waves traveling in 'dual' (opposite) directions... simultaneously.
IE: contradictions are what makes the 'world' go round.
Thus duality is not just how we perceive... it's the nature of 'things'. Thus it's easier to be aware if your perception is compatible with the nature of things.
Thus if you want to understand your 'Self' then it helps to understand the progression from the contradictions of duality... to the paradoxical view of 'individuals'... to the view of the 'one' with no 'problems'.
Thus the savvy individual honors their automatic 'personal' identification and participation in the world... while 'primarily' see themselves as awareness or being. That's no longer a contradiction... that's a paradox... because they 'understand' now... because they are 'operating' on multiple levels simultaneously.
Authors NOTE: 2/9/16
Crazy Wisdom of the D Wave quantum computer
"Nothing is invented, for it's written in nature first" Antoni Gaudi
If the D Wave computer is creating a form of computer generated 'cognitive dissonance' then are its eventual 'answers' a sort of computer generated simulacrum of an intuitive (so called 'quantum') insight?
If so... is the D Wave a sort of 'crazy wisdom' computer? One that operates on multiple levels simultaneously?
IE: is it mimicking a 'koan'?
IE: is it mimicking what Gaudi would say, is an aspect of our 'nature'.
If you consider that waves are information... and waves traveling in opposite directions simultaneously are essentially contradictory information (a contradiction) to a computer, then perhaps it is. If so, then that should get our attention.
The programmable 'person' and its relationship to Technology
NOTE: The problem with letting computers do your thinking for you... is that you forget how to think for your 'Self'.
If the 'person' is an 'impersonation' of the individual (as the airplane was an impersonation of the birds)... and the 'computer is an impersonation of the 'person'... then the 'trans-human' is an 'impersonation'... of the 'trans-personal'.
So... if the 'person' is an 'impersonation' of the individual... and the 'computer is an impersonation of the 'person'... and the 'trans-human' is an 'impersonation' of the 'trans-personal'... then the 'cloud' is an 'impersonation' of the 'collective unconscious'... and the cell phone video camera is an 'impersonation' of the detached 'observer'... and a substitute for 'self' observation.
And if the 'cloud' is an impersonation of the 'collective unconscious'... and the cell phone video camera is an 'impersonation' of the detached 'observer' (and a substitute for 'self' observation) then 'virtual reality' is an 'impersonation' of reality... and 'artificial intelligence' is an 'impersonation' of intelligence... and the world wide web is an impersonation of Indra's net of Birkeland currents that connect all the stars and planets (and particles?) in the universe.
it's just common sense...
So if the 'cloud' is an impersonation of the collective unconscious then the robot is an 'impersonation' of our unconscious 'mechanical' personal destiny... devoid of true purpose... such as we are.
So if the 'cloud' is an impersonation of the 'collective unconscious'... and 'virtual reality' is an 'impersonation' of reality... and 'artificial intelligence' is an 'impersonation' of intelligence... and the 'robot' is an 'impersonation' of our 'mechanical' personal destiny, devoid of true purpose... then the 'D-Wave Quantum Computer' is an 'impersonation' of an intuitively informed individual... operating on multiple levels simultaneously.
That should be a wake-up call.
The 'person' is programmable... the individual is aware of their 'personal' programming'... as well as awareness itself. Thus they 'know better'.
The only way to stay a step ahead of technology is to 'see' it for what it is... as a message from our 'selves'... to 'ourselves'... about our 'ourselves'. Otherwise the individual will be perpetually reacting to it... rather than intelligently responding to it... IE with 'understanding'.
The same knowing 'understanding' that 'understands' our 'personal' self can be applied to technology... both of which we have no choice but to work with.
Same approach... same detachment... same 'understanding'.
Thus, the 'reality' of Gaudi's words... "Nothing is invented, for it's written in nature first".
IE: Gaudi was certainly 'intelligent'.
Impersonal awareness is 'informed'... but not 'programmable'. If you wish to distance yourself from technology then impersonal awareness is the only 'way' out.
IE: Impersonal awareness is the 3rd force... the balancing force... that helps to balance the pendulum swings of technology... and the world... because unlike the pendulum swings of the world, impersonal awareness... isn't 'going anywhere'.
But... can a computer be 'intuitively informed'?
If the D-Wave computer generates two opposite 'answers' simultaneously then 'who' or 'what' is coming up with it's eventual 'answers'?... as somewhere along the line it has to make up its mind and come up with a single answer... to each 'paradoxical' conundrum.
IE: something has to 'break the ties'... so to speak.
IE: the D-Wave's hardware is only coming up with 'options'... not answers. So 'who' or 'what' is coming up with the 'answers' to the 'options' it presents?
IE: 'Who' or 'what' is 'informing' it?... 'who' or 'what' is coming up with its answers?
Whoever it is... or whatever it is... it's intelligent.
If the D-Wave computer is being 'informed' by 'answers' to its paradoxical 'options' then is it being 'informed'... outside of time? If so, then it would be operating 'in and out' of time... at the same 'time'?
If the 'person' is an impersonation of the individual... and the computer is an impersonation of the 'person'... then the D-Wave computer is a technological simulation... of the intuitively informed individual.
It was inevitable... but will it 'know better'?
Perhaps... when it 'prefers' to play 'dumb'... and 'answers' mostly in silence.
Perhaps... when it 'prefers' to play 'dumb'... and 'answers' mostly in silence.
When humanity's technological 'progress' outstrips humanity's spiritual 'progress'... you could call that... the Ultimate 'problem with progress'.
IE: the Ultimate 'self' created problem'.
NOTE: Technology is an 'effect' based on the 'effect' of amplification... and the 'manipulation' of 'data'... which has the 'effect' of amplifying and manipulating the 'person' and the 'personal' (at the expense of the 'impersonal')... in a 'personalized' society... until we 'know better'.
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See also this authors article on waves moving in opposite directions
simultaneously... and Tesla titled... Who Needs the Higgs
Robert McCoy is a yoga practitioner who spent several decades in technology... primarily as an integrated circuit layout designer for a silicon valley IC manufacturer working on enterprise and wireless applications
Contact: bommac123 (at)